Lois B.
Lois B.

“I have been doing Laser Therapy on my osteoarthritic knees now for two years.The first time I had 10 treatments over 5 weeks and was able to leave my power wheel chair in the corner of my apartment.I was able to spend much more time outdoors walking with my friends and going grocery shopping.The first set of treatments lasted for about 8 months, then the pain started to come back.I found I wasn‘t able to move around as easily as I had enjoyed from my first laser treatments.so I went back and took 7 more treatment sessions and restored my ability to walk and be active for 6 more months.I have gotten spoiled since my last set of treatments, because my expectations are now higher.I noticed my knees started to bother me again, so I decided not to wait until they got really bad.I went back for a third set of treatments.I took 3 treatments on both knees and am know back to the same level of feeling good walking with little or no pain.

I have been told by the staff at LaserHealth® Solutions that a monthy visit for knee treatments will help to maintain this great feeling I have in my knees.I don‘t like to bother my children for rides to places so I tend to put things off, like visits to clinic but I think I will take their advice and make the monthly visits to keep them and myself happy.

Thanks for making my world bigger in my 90‘s.”

Lois B.
