I had injured my shoulder a few times in the past, and when I re-injured it again in June, I was really upset because I love to golf and I didn't want to miss another year of golfing because of it. It was so sore that I could not hit the ball without pain and my shots were all over the place. I heard about LaserHealth® Solutions and decided to give them a try. The first few treatments made things worse, my arm ached more than before, and I wondered if this was really going to work. But I decided to stay the course and after a few more treatments the pain began to diminish and I had much better mobility in my shoulder. After just 8 treatments I could golf again. I went to the driving range the day before my last treatment and hit the balls without any pain in my shoulder or arm. The next day after my treatment, I was told to come back only if it acted up again, but that I should be well on my way to complete recovery. I am so thankful that I did try this treatment, it saved my golf season.

