
“I retired from my job and started doing renovations on old houses.As a result I hurt my shoulder.It persisted for over 3 years.The last three months the pain was so severe I couldn't use my right arm at all.It was impossible to sleep at night.One day as I was Fed up with this whole situation I just grabbed the yellow pages and looked until I found a solution, LaserHealth® Solutions.I have had 12 laser treatments and am about 90% better.I can curl my hair and hold my arm out from my body and over my head without pain were as before I couldn't move my arm at all.I didn't see results right away, in fact over the first 4 visits I barley saw any results at all.I felt a bit discouraged.The Therapists convinced me to keep on trying.I am glad I did.It worked!I think this stuff is GREAT!

If ever I were hurting again, I would certainly look to LaserHealth® Solutions for assistance.”

