I started having pain when I was about 5 month pregnant with my son. The pain was all on the left side of my body and it got worse after having my baby. I was incorrectly diagnosed many times and the pain has been very disabling. I had the pain for 7 years. I tried Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Medical Doctors, Neurologists, Acupuncture, vitamins and spent thousands of dollars on supplements. One day my husband drove past the LaserHealth® Solutions billboard and suggested I give it a try.So very hesitantly I called and started treatments. I was hesitant because it was going to be a big commitment because I would be getting my lower back and neck treated. I have now had 19 treatments and I am very happy with the results. I have only had what I call the left side phenomenon 3 times since the treatments started. It is hard to find a compassionate health care place where everyone is caring and understanding as well as the treatment works. I have had an outstanding experience here and would recommend others to come. It is an effective and easy treatment.