Dr. Rob Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

I have been troubled with shoulder pain from a ski injury since January 2. I was told that I had torn my rotator cuff, not a clear tear but shredding of some of the muscle fiber. After consulting with my family physician, I went to physiotherapy for a few years, with no results just pain and frustration.

After the 2-year mark of physio and totally fed up, I resorted to cortisone shots to dissolve the calcification in the muscle. Over the course of a year and 2 shots later, I still had pain. I could not sleep on my right side, and was told by my family physician that it would hopefully eventually heal, and to just get used to another sleep position. Have you ever rolled over in bed at night only to wake up in terrible pain? My sleeps were getting severely compromised. I still continued to do my sports, skiing and power walking, but not with as much enthusiasm or endurance as before.

Then it happened, spasms all over my right side and back. I guess from all the overcompensating for my arm I was always walking around tensed up!!

Here I come Laser Therapy!!!

My daughter had success with a knee injury, so I jumped right in with my back and shoulder pain. Seven treatments later, (I guess one treatment for each year I suffered) and I am a new person. I can't remember the last time I was pain free, and I owe it all to LaserHealth® Solutions.


New Westminster, BC
